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An Expert’s Guide: How to Set Up Facebook Pixels

Learn how to set up Facebook Pixels with an expert guide from pay per click agency Leeds . From basic installation to advanced configurations, track user behavior and measure campaign effectiveness seamlessly.

In the current internet marketing environment, observing and monitoring user actions and assessing the results of campaigns delivered by your company is critically important. This is where Facebook Pixel comes in. This tool enables you to track your customers’ activities on your website. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about Facebook Pixel, from the basics to advanced settings. This guide from a PPC agency in Leeds, will provide all the information you need.

What is Facebook Pixel?

Understanding the Basics

Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website. This small snippet of code provides powerful insights and capabilities that can significantly enhance your advertising strategy and return on investment.

Why Use Facebook Pixel?

By using Facebook Pixel, you can measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website. This enables you to make sure your ads are shown to the right people. You can drive more sales by setting up automatic bidding to reach people who are more likely to take an action you care about, like making a purchase. Additionally, it helps you create better ads by unlocking additional Facebook advertising tools, which are essential for any sophisticated digital marketing strategy.

Setting Up Facebook Pixel

Step 1: Create a Facebook Pixel

To get started with Facebook Pixel, you first need to create it in your Facebook Ads Manager. Navigate to the Pixels section by going to your Facebook Ads Manager, clicking on the hamburger menu in the top-left corner, and selecting “Events Manager.” Once there, click on “Pixels.” Then, you can create your Pixel by clicking the green “Add” button, naming your Pixel, and entering your website URL. This URL entry is optional but recommended to facilitate the setup process.

Step 2: Add the Pixel Code to Your Website

After creating your Pixel, the next step is to add the code to your website. Many popular website platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespace offer straightforward integrations for Facebook Pixel. For instance, on WordPress, you can install the “Facebook for WordPress” plugin, go to the plugin settings, and enter your Pixel ID. Similarly, Shopify users can navigate to their Shopify admin, click “Online Store,” then “Preferences,” and enter their Pixel ID in the relevant section. For Squarespace, go to “Settings,” click on “Advanced,” then “External Services,” and input your Pixel ID.

If your website platform doesn’t support direct integration, you can manually add the Pixel code. In the Events Manager, find your Pixel ID, click “Set Up,” and choose “Manually add Pixel code to the website.” Copy the entire Pixel base code and paste it into the header section of your website, just above the closing </head> tag on each page.

Step 3: Verify Your Pixel

Verifying that your Pixel is working correctly is essential. You can do this by installing the Facebook Pixel Helper, a Chrome browser extension that helps you troubleshoot. Once installed, visit your website, and the Pixel Helper icon should turn blue, indicating that the Pixel is firing correctly. Additionally, check for page views to ensure the Pixel is active and accurately tracking visitors.

Configuring Facebook Pixel Events

Standard Events

Standard events are predefined actions that Facebook recognizes and tracks, such as “ViewContent,” “AddToCart,” and “Purchase.” To add event code to your website, you’ll need to place additional code on the relevant pages where these actions occur. For instance, to track purchases, you would add the “Purchase” event code to your order confirmation page. Facebook also provides an Event Setup Tool that allows you to set up standard events without modifying the code. Navigate to Events Manager, find your Pixel, and click “Set Up” next to the Event Setup Tool to use this feature.

Custom Events

If standard events don’t fit your specific needs, you can create custom events. Start by defining your custom event with a unique name that represents the action you want to track. Add the custom event code to the appropriate pages using the fbq(‘trackCustom’, ‘EventName’) function. This flexibility allows you to tailor the Pixel to your unique business goals and track precise actions that are important to you.

Custom Conversions

Custom conversions are based on standard or custom events and allow you to optimize for specific actions. To create a custom conversion, go to Events Manager, click “Custom Conversions,” and then “Create Custom Conversion.” Select your event or URL rules and name your custom conversion. Tracking these custom conversions in your ad campaigns enables you to measure and optimize for specific, valuable actions that drive your business forward.

Advanced Facebook Pixel Configurations

Event Parameters

Event parameters provide additional information about the actions people take on your website. To add parameters to events, modify your event code to include these details. For example, in a “Purchase” event, you can add parameters for currency and value. Utilizing parameters in Ads Manager helps refine your audience targeting and optimizes your ads more effectively, ensuring you reach the right people with the right message.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking allows you to measure the return on investment of your Facebook ads. Set up conversion tracking by going to the “Conversions” section in Ads Manager and creating a conversion event based on your Pixel data. This data helps you optimize your campaigns for actions that matter most to your business, providing a clear view of how your ads impact your bottom line.


Retargeting allows you to show ads to people who have already visited your website, keeping your brand top-of-mind and encouraging them to return and complete an action. To create a custom audience for retargeting, go to “Audiences” in Ads Manager, click “Create Audience,” and select “Custom Audience.” Choose “Website Traffic” and configure your audience based on Pixel data. Launching retargeting campaigns with this custom audience helps you create highly targeted ads that can significantly improve conversion rates.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Pixel Not Firing

If your Pixel is not firing, there are a few common issues to check. Ensure that the Pixel code is placed correctly within the <head> tag of your website. Verify that you are using the correct Pixel ID, as using an incorrect ID will prevent the Pixel from functioning properly.

Duplicate Events

Duplicate events can occur if multiple Pixels are firing on the same page. Use the Pixel Helper tool to check for multiple Pixels. If you find that more than one Pixel is active on a single page, remove any unnecessary Pixel codes to prevent duplication and ensure accurate tracking.

Bottom Line

Installing the Facebook Pixel can be very helpful for businesses that want to maximize the benefits of Facebook advertising. By following this guide, you can ensure that you are measuring the right actions, tweaking your advertising, and achieving better results for your business. A Telford SEO company can assist you with this, ensuring that the Facebook Pixel is implemented and configured correctly. This will help you gain deeper insights and improve your marketing strategies and business goals.

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